Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The summer has gone by way to fast

We have done alot of fun things this summer. We actually have pictures of everything and because I'm a slacker and new to this blogging thing I haven't figured it out yet. In June we took our first family vacation. We loaded up the mini van and headed to San Deigo. We took my parents with us because the boys wanted grandpa. We had a great time. We went to Sea World one day. The boys loved it. One morning we had to leave the hotel because it needed to be cleaned. The plan was to go play in the ocean but it was to cool in the morning. So we went to the outlet mall in Carlsbad. I could have stayed there all day. We played in the ocean in the afternoon. We also went to Legoland. Yes, legoland has rides and tons of legos. We all had a blast because everyone could go on almost all the rides. The reason why we went to legoland is because Tyson wanted to go to Disneyland. The more I thought about Disneyland I thought that the twins needed to be older. They always want to do want Tyson is doing and I wasn't going to fight them about not riding rides because they were to small. Tyson did he first official big roller coaster with Jason at legoland. He did great!!! After we were home for a day the boys started to get sick. We were sick for an entire week. Jason took the boys camping one weekend and left me home alone. Jason and the boys had a great time, except Jason got no sleep because the boys woke up every half hour needing to go to the bathroom. While they were camping I went and had a girls night out with Amy and Andrea. It was great to just sit and talk and not worry about what I had to be home. On the 24th of July we had a great ward activity. It was at the park and we had a bike parade, games, and dutch oven lunch. Jason helped the boys with all the games because I was the picture taker. We also set up our waterslide and the boys played with it nonstop for two days. It is the greatest babysitter. August 10th was Tyson's birthday. He wanted a friend birthday party but I didn't. Since his birthday was on Sunday we decided to have a birthday week-end. Friday we went to dinner at Winger's so he could use his birthday postcard. That night Jason and the boys slept outside. We also roasted marshmallows that night. Saturday was breakfast at IHOP, snow shacks from Summer Sno, swimming at the secra pool, and dinner at Los Hermanos. Tyson got his own ice cream and they sang to him. Sunday was his actual birthday. We went to church. The primary sang to him and gave him a coupon to go visit the Bishop for a birthday candy bar. I made his favorite dinner mac and cheese with hot dogs(it is homemade). Jason helped him build legos that he wanted to build. We surprised him with a great birthday present. In years past he would always get new school clothes becuase of his birthday was so close to when school started. This year we decided to do it differently this year. On saturday Jason and I spent about two hours on the phone looking for a Wii. We found one. Tyson loves it. Even though it is not hooked up yet he is excited. Tyson had a great birthday and now school starts Monday.

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