Sunday, November 15, 2009

It has been awhile..........

I can't believe that it has been 6 months since I updated. What is new with us since May. Tyson is in the second grade and is doing great. I go in and help every Monday and Friday. Curtis and Connor have started kindergarten and just started they take home reading program. I go in and help in their class on Mondays. I will soon be in there everyday helping. We are hoping that it will turn into a job but we will have to see. Jason is busy working full time, working on cars after work, and doing some djing. Then there is me. I keep busy helping at the school, helping with homework, keeping the house clean and the trying to get the laundry done so I don't get behind.
We are also trying to get a basement done. This has been a project that has lasted a few years. The storage room is done and Tyson's room is almost done. Tyson's room should be done by January if everything goes well. He can't wait to move downstairs. We also have some great and exciting news. We are having a BABY GIRL!!!!! She is due March 24, 2010. It is o.k. if your you mouths just dropped to the ground because mine did when I found out. We thought our family was complete but I guess we were wrong. Hopefully I can keep this up to date better since I'm starting to feel better. 21 weeks of being nauseous is not fun!!! As soon as I figure out how to put a baby ticker on here I will. We also need help with names. We have none!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's day weekend. Jason decided to take the week off because my baby brother Matt got married on Friday. So I took full advantage of Jason being home. On Monday I went and got my nails done. On Tuesday Jason had to go pick up a washer and dryer for Matt so I sent Curtis and Connor with him. Since they were gone all day I went and got my hair colored and cut. Four hours of just me time it was great!! After I got my hair done my mom and sister-in-law decided we needed pedicures. As we were picking out nail polish I thought I should do something fun and exciting so I went with bright green. You should have seen my mom's face. Wednesday and Thursday I just spent playing with the boys. Then Friday came the big day!! As we walked into the marriage waiting room at the temple I just started to cry. My mom's uncle and aunt from Mesa came up to surprise Matt(Matt lived with them for almost 3 months last summer). When I saw my mom's uncle I thought of my Grandpa that had passed away about seven years ago. I really miss him. I didn't stop crying until the end of the ceremony. The reception was great. Everything was perfect. It was so bright and refreshing. Their colors were black, white, and apple green(the reason for the green nail polish). There were flowers every where. It was nice to see all my old ward members and get to talk to them. It was great because because most of my extended family stayed until the end. It was great seeing my cousins(Shelly, Ashley, April and her two cutest boys ever, Brooke and her little boy, and Melissa) that I haven't seen for years. I hope that we can see each other more often. We got invited to stay up at my Aunt Barbara's house in Portland. Since Jason has a cousin that lives there and we have friends that live we are really thinking about coming up there. Then my wonderful uncle Duane invited us for a week end at his cabin. This one we are going to do because as soon as much uncle announced that he had a herd of elk that eats his grass Jason got really excited. I do have to say I have the best family. On Saturday we did nothing. Tyson had his last soccer game. On Sunday my day started out early. I woke up around four thirty to one of the kids coughing. I didn't really think any of it. If the kids needed something they would come and get me. A few seconds later the bathroom light came on so I got up to see who was up and if they needed something. As I started down the hall I knew what was going on. Poor Tyson was throwing up. So after he was done in the bathroom I went to tuck him back in bed thinking that he had made it to the toilet. I was wrong he threw up all over his bed and on his floor. So there I was cleaning the floor and tearing his bed apart I made the decision that all the kids were going to stay home from church. I know probably not the best decision but I haven't heard a full talk because the kids always need something. So I went to church alone which was nice and I got to hear and actually pay attention to all the talks. After church we made dinner and watched a movie. It was a great day.

Jason spoiled this year about a month ago we were going to Park City to see If I could find me a dress or a skirt for Matt's wedding. I ended up with three new dresses and two new pair of shoes for Mother's day. Thanks babe!! The boys each gave me a cook book that they made in school. My parents gave me a flower pot from the Crandalls green house. My mom also let Jason take home one of the flower arrangements from the wedding since he wanted to give me flowers too. So as you can see I had a great Mother's day weekend.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finally a new post...

Did you miss me? It seems like life just gets busier and busier for us. Sorry that we don't have any pictures in this post. What have we done? First Jason helped his dad cut down a tree in their backyard. That took up a whole Saturday. The boys loved to watch them to take down the tree. Next Tyson started spring soccer. He has played to two games. The first game was totally nice and warm and the next game we were standing in the rain watching. Don't you just love the spring weather. We are getting ready to plant a garden in our backyard. Because of all the storms I haven't gotten the peas in that I want to grow. I'm hoping that we can get them in this week or it will be to late to plant them. We asked the boys what they wanted to plant and they said corn, squash, and watermelon. About 2 years ago Tyson asked our neighbors, Stan and Stella, if we could grow watermelon. They told Tyson that they have never tried to grow one but they would. So they gave us a watermelon that never made it to our garden, but they planted about two plants that year to see if they could grow it. Now they grow it every year for Tyson. I have the best neighbors!!!

This weekend is General Conference. I love this weekend. I love that I don't have to get dressed on Sunday if I don't want to. Yesterday was busy for us. I had Alisha, that's Matt fiancee, bridal Shower. I want to thank everyone who reads this that came. It was really nice. Alisha, I hope you like the fondue pot!! I'm excited to have her be my sister-in-law!! She is so cute!!!!! I Can't believe that they get married in a month!! We also had the annual Goodrich Easter Egg Hunt. Jason took the boys to it since I was at the shower. Don't I have the best husband? The boys came home with enough candy that the Easter Bunny doesn't have to bring them any. They were excited to tell me all about it. Thank you Aunt Cindy, Uncle Jan, Janson, Kayla, MarLyn, and Janae. My boys look forward to it all year. Thanks for inviting us every year. You guys are the greatest!!(I asked Jason to take the camera to the Easter egg hunt so we could get some pictures but trying to help the twins he didn't get any. I totally understand why. Some hopefully we can get pictures next Sunday.)

Spring break starts on the 13th I hope that it is good weather so the boys can enjoy being outside. Hopefully we can do something fun while the boys are out of school. I want warm weather so I can get my rollerblades on start getting back in shape.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine

I have seen several of these tags on other blogs.

1. Where did you meet your spouse?
We met through a mutual friend. We actually met briefly a few years earlier before we startedn dating but I was waiting for a missionary. We hung out a few times before Jason asked our friend to set him up with me.

2. Who asked who out?
After our blind date Jason did all the asking out.

3. How long have you been together?
Ten and half years.

4. How long have you been married?
Nine years and three quarters

5. How long did you date before you were married?
Nine months

4. Where did he propose?
The Provo Temple. He said that we needed to talk about some things. I actually thought that Jason was going to break up with me. I was totally surprised.

5. Where did you get married?
Mount Timpanogos Temple on June 17, 1999

6- What does he do now to surprise me?
He brings me flowers. He tells me to go and do something for myself and he will watch the kids and put them to bed.

7. What is his best feature?
I love his eyes.

8. What is best quality?
He will always listen to me and try to see my point of views even though he may not agree with them.

9. Does he have a nickname for you?
I really can't think of one but once in awhile he will call me hon.

10. What is his favorite food?
He has alot of favorite foods. I think it just depends on what kind of mood he is in.

11. What is favorite sport?
I don't think he has one. He isn't into sports but he loves to wrestle with boys.

12. Where and when was your first kiss?
Our first kiss happend after a third date in my parents drive way.

13. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
While we were dating we loved to go up the canyon and we also loved to hang out with our friends. Now that we have the boys we love to be with them.

14. Do you get flowers often?
YES!!! While we dating and we were first married I got flowers at least once a week. Now he just does it to surprise me with them.

15. Do you have any children?
Tyson: 7 years
Curtis and Connor: 4 years

16. Do you have any pets?
One dog

17. Does he have any hidden talents?
He can fix anything and he loves it too.

18. How old is he?

19. Who said I love you first?

20. What is he favorite music?
Depends on his mood and if I'm in the car with him.

21. What do you most admire about him?
He is always willing to help other people out. He works very very hard and will do anything to provide for me and the boys.

As I was doing this tag it made me realize how much I love Jason. Jason is the perfect match for me. He deals with my craziness and he still loves me. Even though I don't say it enough I do love you JASON!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day Out With Dad

Earlier last week Jason called me from work and was wondering if he could take Tyson shooting on Saturday. I told him that he would have to ask Tyson. I didn't think Tyson would want to go because he is more of I don't want to get dirty type of person and he doesn't like loud noises. Jason asked Tyson if he wanted to go with him. Tyson said yes. I was happy becasue ever since we had the twins Tyson doesn't get much one on one time with Jason. Jason was thrilled. If you know Jason he loves to be in the outdoors weather it is hunting, shooting, fishing, or just taking his truck off roading. So Saturday afternoon they headed out to the West desert. They stopped by Walmart to get some Ammo and some beer. Jason told Tyson that the only good reason to buy beer is for shooting because they explode. They also stopped by Subway to get sandwiches. They had a blast. Jason taught Tyson about Gun safety and how to shoot at targets. Their targets included beer cans, empty pop cans. and frozen water bottles. Tyson can't wait to go again.

Dad and Tyson going over gun safety.

Jason helping Tyson line up his target.

Getting ready to shoot

Getting ready to shoot

Tyson hit his target.

Christmas through New Years

Wow, since it has been awhile I thought it was about time to post about our Christmas and New Year. Tyson got to decorate gingerbread houses again this year at School. I got to go in and help. I think that is one of my favorite things to do with him and his Class. I'm grateful that my dad is willing to watch Curtis and Connor so I can go help in Tyson's class. Also at Tyson's School they have a Christmas program where all the grades sing Christmas songs. They do one it the morning and one in the afternoon. I decided to go to the afternoon one so I could here my nephew Daniel sing. Tyson did a great job his grade sang two songs. The Songs were Must be Santa and Deck the Malls. All the kids did a great job. For Christmas Eve we went over to my parents. My parents always have a little party for the grand kids that include a visit from one Santa's helpers that have a couple of little presents for them. This year our Santa helper couldn't make it because he had double knee replacement. We sure did miss him and hopefully he will be there next year. All the kids were disappointed that "Santa" couldn't make it this year. My parents decided that they still got the presents. All the grand kids got new PJ's. I love this tradition because it reminds me off all the Christmas parties that my grandma and grandpa Prestwich would have. After the party it was time to go home and watch a Christmas movie. We usually watch the Polar Express but I wasn't in the mood. So we watched the Santa Clause. After the movie was over and the boys were asleep it was time for me and Jason to get busy. On Christmas Morning the twins woke up way to early and we told them to go back to bed. Finally around seven we told them to go get Tyson up. The boys got clothes, transformers and legos. Jason got Guitar Hero. I got a laundry sorter. Jason and I(mostly it was for me) got a kitchen aid mixer from my parents. I was totally excited. After we got our Christmas presents opened and we were dressed we headed over to Jason's parents for Christmas Breakfast. This is a tradition that started when Jason was kid. He would go to his Grandma and Grandpa Hunter's for breakfast with all of the family. I did get to go the year before his Grandma died. I couldn't believe that almost all the family came. After we had opened our presents there we headed home. The rest of the day was spent play the Wii. Uncle Matt came up and played with us for awhile. Tyson really liked having Uncle Matt to play with him. For dinner he headed to Mi Ranchito. I know that sounds crazy that we go there but we do. We usually get it to go because the boys are into playing with their toys and they don't want to stop playing.

For New Years we went over to Jason's parents to play games. We stayed tere until about 10 then headed home because we were tired. Tyson decided that he wanted to stay up until midnight. He some how convinced Lindsey to stay up with him. So him and Lindsey watched Return to Neverland until midnight then went to bed. Oh how I would love to have the energy that he has to stay up until midnight.

Tyson singing in the school program

My nephew Daniel.

Tyson showing off his BYU hoodie.
Tyson loves BYU.

Tyson opening his legos

Connor and his legos.
He didn't feel good the reason from the puke bowl.

Curtis and his Legos